Navigable Learning: On-the-River Education
Heart of the Gila is committed to providing on-the-water learning opportunities for public land employees, elected officials, and community leaders—those whose decisions shape the long-term health of our river ecosystems.
To support this, we’ve designed and built low-flow, highly stable catarafts capable of navigating the Gila River during its typical low-water seasons. These boats increase accessibility to the Gila’s remote wilderness, giving decision-makers a chance to experience its beauty firsthand.
We believe that those who witness the grandeur of the Gila will become lifelong advocates for its protection.
Children’s Water Festival
Heart of the Gila co-sponsored this inspiring educational gathering in 2016, 2017, and 2018.
Ella, Ella, and Michael taught ecology to elementary students at the Gila River Farm during the 2014 festival, serving as role models for fifth-grade classrooms across their community.
They visited schools, explained watersheds, and led field experiences for hundreds of children.
Your donation helps keep this powerful, hands-on environmental education available for new generations—children who, like Ella, Ella, and Michael, will grow to love, understand, and protect the natural world.
Threatened & Endangered Species Education
Through school visits and community events, Heart of the Gila provides Monarch Butterfly education, helping raise awareness of this important species and its fragile migration corridor.
We also lead a citizen science-based Monarch monitoring effort, allowing students and locals to participate in real data collection.
In partnership with a local arts organization, we’re bringing a mural of the endangered Mexican Wolf to Silver City—an artistic tribute to another threatened species of the region and a reminder of the Gila’s role in supporting biodiversity.