Heart of the Gila supports the passage of the MH Dutch Salmon Greater Gila Wild and Scenic River Act introduced by Senator Martin Heinrich.
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Heart of the Gila supports the MH Dutch Salmon Greater Gila Wild and Scenic River Act.

The Gila River is one of the longest rivers in the West, originating above 10,000 feet in the Mogollon Mountains of the Gila Wilderness and from the headwaters of the Black Range in the equally wild Aldo Leopold Wilderness to the east. Originally flowing 500 miles to its confluence with the Colorado River near the Mexico border, the Gila is now drained dry halfway through its journey due to large irrigation and municipal diversions in Arizona.
Where it still flows wild in New Mexico, the Gila supports a vibrant riparian forest community of cottonwoods, sycamores, willows, and alders. Black hawks, eagles, elk, javelina, cougars, and black bears all roam the river corridor and Ponderosa pine forests that climb the rugged canyon hillsides.
The three forks of the Gila River Headwaters—the West, Middle, and East—are dotted with natural hot springs, and are home to the endangered Gila trout, loach minnow, and the rare Mexican spotted owl. Sport fishermen, horse packers, hikers, and boaters all enjoy the vast canyon landscapes and lush river habitat.
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